Sunday, March 10, 2013

Triscuits rock!!

So last night I  had to go grocery shopping because according to the weather it was supposed to snow 3-6", then sleet, then rain. In other words not a fun day for running errands. Also, I am making dinner for Shane tonight for our "date night" and I needed some supplies. I scored some chicken in the "Special" bin for CHEAP. Score! Just what I needed for tonight too. 

Anyway...back to the Triscuits. I needed crackers of some sort according to my grocery list since they had all been eaten up (between my Tastefully Simple party a couple of weeks ago and eating LOTS of dip that I received from said party). You know, cuz you always need crackers to go with your dip. Well, I wasn't feeling Wheat Thins like normal, and I think Triscuits go better with dips because they don't have as much flavor. But I saw these babies! Besides being "Roasted Sweet Onion" which sounds amazing, they're made with brown rise and sweet potato. I had to try them just because of what they're made out of, right????

WELL, it was definitely worth getting them. They're amazing. :) Even on their own. (And I never eat crackers sans dip/cheese/topping of some sort).

Thanks for sticking with me this far. I apologize that my rant about Triscuits is all you stopped by for. Please continue to visit me! 

1 comment:

  1. Hmm, well those Triscuits sound interesting to me! I might have to do search those out. Cute tags too. :)

