Monday, April 11, 2011

Fab 5 Day 1- April

Fab 5 this week is going to be Spellbinders! Almost all of my cards incorporate Spellbinders already so it's going to be hard to make things specifically targeting Spellbinders. But this week, I thought I'd try to show you some out-of-the-box ideas to use with your Spellbinders.
For Day 1 of Fab 5, I did this banner for Spellbinders. It's made of 12 Spellbinder's new Nested Pennants and Lacey Nested Pennants each. I also added the Circles and Scalloped Circles in the center of the pennants and stamped with Just Rite stamps onto each one until it spelt out "SPELLBINDERS". I  made this banner for the store, but you could do anything with it. You could do school colors and use it for graduation and have it read "CONGRATS". Or you could do a Happy Birthday Banner, a wedding one, one for a baby shower. The options are limitless!
You can find the Pennants along with a lot of new Spellbinders at Picture This! Get them while they're in stock.


  1. This would be great for a party!

  2. Great job Amy and very cute! Think it may have to be confinscated for the Spellbinder wall.
